Bulletin - Prayer List - 8-23-15

Prayer List
Greg Counts is having problems with his shoulder.
Shirley Quinn is home and doing good.
Bobbie Quinn is recovering from a stroke.
Also, A.C.’s sister is recovering from a fall.
Beryl Miller is undergoing eye treatment and is doing some better.
Sue Morgan is in Baylor Hospital in Garland. She needs our prayers.
Dale Counts cancer has come back and is will need radiation and chemo.
Bonita Hall’s mother, Lois Himelright has been diagnosed with cancer and requested our prayers. 

Nell Hall, Jerry and Betty Harris, James and Florene Griffin, Don Hickerson, Lester and Billie Phillips, Jack and Diane Arnold, Betty Clark, Glenn Durham, Jeremy Hall, Lewis Horn, Debbie Kluge, Sonny and Doris James, and Dean and Della Price. 

Serving in the military: Travis Counts Cody Blomstedt Dakota Smitherman

Let us pray for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms way, military and civilian personnel.
 “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
The church now has a WEB site. It is tombeancoc.com.

Fellowship is next Sunday August 30th after morning worship services. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.

Pantry Item: French Style Green Beans 

Aug 30th Prayers Morning: Robert Courtney – Kerry King
Evening: Don Harrington – Jack Cawthon
Scriptures: Robert Courtney


The Bread of Life 
Mike Ireland 

 Jesus joined His disciples in the boat and journeyed with them to the other side of the lake. When the crowd realized that He was gone, they too, journeyed to the other side. When they found Him, they asked, “Rabbi, when did you get here?” Why did no one ask Him, How did you get here?”
 “Your full stomachs have motivated you to seek me but you are working for the wrong food,” Jesus told them. They made no effort to deny it.
 Many of those who followed the Lord were probably hoping for a political savior. They may have envisioned not only deliverance from the Romans but a new prosperity, with Jesus as their leader. His reluctance to be their king may have surprised them, but it did not discourage them. Perhaps, he had some conditions they had to meet before he would agree to led them. So they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”
 They were confused about what is truly important in life. It is an easy mistake to make. We see it all the time: people investing huge amounts of time, energy, and emotion in the wrong things. Convinced they know what’s good, they use themselves up in quest for something that cannot satisfy.
 Now, don’t miss what Jesus says: The “real food” is not had by work but comes as a gift.
 Yet, it is hard to convince ourselves that hard work won’t win the day. We just believe that if we will work hard enough, do our best, then the goal will be ours. Jesus says, what you want and need is a gift God gives. In fact, it is not a work that originates with man at all. It is the work of God, the work of grace, food that cannot be earned, only received.
 Did you ever notice that things which come from our hard work always lose their value … corrode … decay … cease to satisfy. But whatever God gives only grows in value. The Bible tells us over and over, in hundreds of ways, that God’s gifts are forever, but the things of the world pass away.
 People have a deep hunger, a hunger for meaning and purpose, for joy and peace. It is a hunger that is far deeper than simply wanting a full belly and a comfortable home. Jesus knew that.
 When we understand that there is more to life than bread, then we are open to the gift of God, the Living Bread – Jesus.