Betty Harris will receive several test
results on Nov. 11.
Harrington’s completed the stint procedure.
Sue Morgan
still needs our prayers.
Counts’ sister Wanda Peterson is home but will need heart stints
Kathy Hill’s
friend Terry Turner has asked for our prayers.
Jerry Foster
is in Carrus for rehab. He is in room 214.
Courtney will have surgery Nov. 10th.
Jack and Kay
Cawthon’s grandson Gabriel is undergoing Esophagus
Count’s cousin Brian Smelser is in the hospital for dialysis and is
in grave condition.
Leta Embry,
Jerry and Betty Harris, Nell Hall, James and Florene Griffin, Don
Hickerson, Lester and Billie Phillips, Shirley Quinn, Jack and Diane
Arnold, Betty Clark, Dale Counts, Debbie Kluge, Sonny and Doris
James, Beryl Miller, and Dean and Della Price.
Serving in
the military: Travis Counts Cody Blomstedt Dakota Smitherman
Let us pray
for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms
way, military and civilian personnel.
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
The Men’s
Business Meeting is today after evening worship services. All men
are invited and encouraged to attend.
Item: Asst. Pudding Mixes
Nov. 15th
Prayers – Morning: Don Harrington - Robert Courtney
Evening: Butch Balzen - Kerry King
Scriptures: Greg Counts
By James W. Boyd
By James W. Boyd
We are warned in Scripture to take heed what we hear (Mark 4:24) and how we hear (Luke 8:18). We may not always be able to control everything that might fall on our ears, but much of it we can, and whatever we do hear we can take care how we hear, that is, what effect it might have on us. We can use self-control and self-discipline regarding our reactions to such things. But do we hear any better than the next fellow?
What I am asking is whether we pay any attention to what we hear more than others even when we hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Do we respond any more favorably before God than those who reject His Word altogether?
Yes, most would say they hear better when it comes to hearing God’s Word. We often criticize those in religious error for just not paying real attention to the revealed truth. This criticism is justly given. But when I hear the command to “assemble faithfully” being taught, and see brothers and sisters act as if such a command was never given, it does make one wonder how we hear.
- via the Nile Street Notes, the weekly bulletin of the Anna Church of Christ in Anna, IL;
8 Things
Worse Than Dying
By Owen Clopton
By Owen Clopton
1. Spending your entire
life worrying about dying.
2. Living a sinful life knowing the consequences.
3. Living a life of hypocrisy.
4. Knowing your influence has caused another soul to be lost.
5. Living a life of constant cynicism and negativism..
6. Living a life without friends.
7. Living a life without love.
8. Turning your back on God.
2. Living a sinful life knowing the consequences.
3. Living a life of hypocrisy.
4. Knowing your influence has caused another soul to be lost.
5. Living a life of constant cynicism and negativism..
6. Living a life without friends.
7. Living a life without love.
8. Turning your back on God.
- via The Contender
is Sprit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth”
(John 4:24).