Bulletin / Prayer List 12-20-15

Lord.” Psalm 122:1
Prayer List
Greg Counts is home recovering from shoulder surgery.
Jack and Kay Cawthon’s grandson Gabriel is better but will have additional tests.
Christel Balthrop a friend of Leta’s is having difficulty carrying her baby full term.

Leta Embry, Jerry and Betty Harris, Nell Hall, James and Florene Griffin, Eddie Griffin, Ben Harrington, Don Hickerson, Andy LeDane, Lester and Billie Phillips, A. C. and Shirley Quinn, Jack and Diane Arnold, Betty Clark, Steven Courtney, Jerry Foster, Debbie Kluge, Sonny and Doris James, Beryl Miller, Wanda Peterson, Dean and Della Price, and Terry Turner .

Serving in the military:      Travis Counts      Cody Blomstedt     Dakota Smitherman

Let us pray for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms way, military and civilian personnel.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…

Our prayers and sympathy go out to Mark Bickenbach in the loss of his father. Services is Monday Dec. 21at 2:00pm at Turrentine -Morrow in Allen.

There will be no Ladies Bible Class’ until January 5th.

Pantry Item: Canned Chicken

Dec. 27th Prayers Morning: Robert Courtney – Robert Embry
Evening: Jack Cawthon – Charles Counts
Scriptures: Butch Balzen
What Is Faith?
By Steven F. Deaton
Many in the world – both secular and denominational – think faith is an ambiguous belief in something that cannot be proven. Because of this, people who have faith are viewed as believing in far-fetch things; things that lack real proof. It is sad that many people in denominations have bought into this idea, because it is totally false.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1, KJ). True faith is based on evidence.
So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17, KJ). There are things we believe because of the evidence given in God’s word.
Think about this. How do we know Washington crossed the Delaware? There is no video footage or even a picture. No one alive can tell us about the events, not even Washington. There is no scientific evidence, no formula that proves the crossing. So, what do we have? We have testimony. We have the accounts that were written near the time of the event. These accounts are preserved for us today. The same is true for the adventures of Alexander The Great, Hannibal, and Caesar. We know about their livers, their words, and deeds from written evidence. In fact, what we know about history is based chiefly on what was written long ago. Archeology serves to buttress the written evidence, it helps clarify some things, but by itself it does little to help our understanding of the past.
The Bible is written evidence of real events in times past. It claims to be a revelation from God. When tested, it is the most accurate, reliable, and best preserved set of ancient documents. It is better attested than any other historical writings which men accept as true.
A Christian’s faith is not based on fantasy or wishful thinking. Rather, it is based on evidence; chiefly writings, that are supported by archeology, science, and other writings. Do not buy into the notion that faith is belief without proof. It is not. It is a well-grounded conviction; otherwise it is not faith, but myth.
You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God” (Luke 16:15).