Bulletin / Prayer List 7-17-16

Prayer List
A.C. Quinn’s nephew Terry Moore has developed congested heart failure.
Wanda Peterson is having medical problems.
Debbie Kluge situation is critical.
Robert Embry’s uncle, Glenn Durham has been diagnosed with cancer.
Butch Balzen’s family still needs our prayers. His aunt Carolyn Balzen has been diagnosed with a mass in her chest.
Leta Embry’s aunt Peggy Taylor is having eye problem.
Don Boyd is being treated for cancer.
Gerald Ainsworth is in Meadowbrook Care Center in Van Alstyne with Hospice.
Kerry King’s mother is having test because of spots found on her lungs.

Armanda family, Eddie Griffin, Florene Griffin, Jerry and Betty Harris, Nell Hall, Don Hickerson, Larry Lee, Lester and Billie Phillips, Mary Jean Turner, Jack and Diane Arnold, Betty Clark, Doris James, Dan LeDane, Gary Hickerson, Beryl Miller, Dean and Della Price, and Terry Turner.

Serving in the military: Dakota Smitherman has been deployed to Afghanistan. 
Travis Counts has been deployed to Kuwait.
Faith Balzen 
Cody Blomstedt

Let us pray for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms way, military and civilian personnel.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…

The next Texomaland Summer Youth Series is July 19 at 7:30pm at Whitesboro church of Christ.

Pantry Item: Bar Soap

July 24th Prayers – Morning: Jack Cawthon – Greg Counts
Evening: Barry Cox – Robert Embry
Scriptures: Robert Courtney

By Robert Courtney

Businesses are always looking for ways to influence its employees to a better standard of work ethics to improve productivity, quality and less product cost. Training is provided to educate the workforce. This effort is then developed and refined to create a “mission statement” for each department and for the company. Then these are used to show the customers what the company and its products are about.

You can say Jesus had a “mission statement”.

Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
Mark 16:15

The word “Go” means “I” or “Me”, the individual Christian. It does not mean the other person or someone else. Each and every Christian is commanded to go out into the world and teach the gospel! You say that you cannot. God says that you can! Do we not realize that our very lives are a testimony of our relationship to God? When our “light shines” before the world (Matt. 5:16); the world sees who and what we are. “Our “works” should be of such that those who see us will “glorify God”.

Ask yourself some questions: Was there any doubt about Christ‘s works; or John’s, or Peter’s, or Paul’s? How many people look at you and will go to worship or stay at home based on your “works”? How many will study the Bible with you? How many will participate in worship based on what you do? What I do matters not only to others but to God.

But someone may well say, “You have faith, and I have works; show me you faith without the works; and I will show my faith by my works.” (James 2:18)

What works are you doing for Christ?