Bulletin / Prayer List 11-13-16

Prayer List
Betty Harris has been moved to Homestead of Sherman.
Randy Miller needs our prayers.
Barry Cox is recovering from hip surgery.
Kerry King’s mother Bobbie King is being treated for cancer.
Mark Morris’ cancer has come back. He has begun treatment.

Andy LeDane, Eddie Griffin, James and Florene Griffin, Jimmy Griffin, Jerry Harris, Don Hickerson, Lester and Billie Phillips, Dan Tucker, Mary Jean Turner, Armanda family, Jack and Diane Arnold, Betty Clark, Doris James, Gary Hickerson Dan LeDane, Carol Moore, Beryl Miller, Dean and Della Price, and Terry Turner.

Serving in the military: 
Dakota Smitherman has been deployed to Afghanistan. 
Travis Counts has been deployed to Kuwait.
Faith Balzen is in California. 
Cody Blomstedt is in El Paso, Texas.

Let us pray for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms way, military and civilian personnel.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…

Men’s Business Meeting is today after evening worship services. All men are encouraged to attend.

Pantry Item: Baking Soda

Nov. 20th Prayers Morning: Don Harrington – Robert Embry
Evening: Charles Counts – Don Hickerson
Scriptures: Robert Courtney
Living For Christ Through His
Church in the World
By Gerald Cowan

There are no Christians outside the church. The Lords adds one to the church when they are saved (Acts 2:41-47). Although the church is not of the world it is certainly in the world. The gospel of Christ is to be preached because that message alone brings us the

salvation that is in Christ (James 1:21-22, Luke 18:11). Some claim, “one church is as good as another.” But that is no truer than saying one Lord or one Savior or one religious book is as good as another.
God’s eternal purpose for the church and each member of it includes edification, setting an example that others can safely follow, perpetuation of the word, and opposition to all error in doctrine and practice.
Our Threefold obligation to the world is: teach it, save it, bring the peace of God to it. Our threefold obligation to the church itself is: edify and strengthen it, protect its purity, and preserve unity and peace in it. (Selected)
No Time Today
By Frances Johnson

I haven’t time today, dear Lord, tomorrow I’ll give to Thee.
So Many things, so much to do, today I must work for me.
I know I promised this day, Lord, but something has changed my plans.
The car needs washing, the yard’s a mess, and I need to see a man.
So sorry, dear Lord, had a call just now, some relatives ion town you see,
Tomorrow I’ll make it up to you. Tomorrow I’ll give Thee.
Tomorrow—it never seems to come,
The work of the Lord is left undone.
If troubles should come to us today,
Suppose the Lord turned His face away?
He might ignore our earnest plea
With words familiar in our ears could ring,
Today I’m so busy with other things,
Tomorrow, dear One, I might listen to Thee.

Psa. 119:103
(103) how sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! 
(104) Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way. 
(105) Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.