Frank Rhoden
will have cataract surgery.
Hickerson has been diagnosed with Agent Orange.
Mark Morris
has received his test results and waiting for doctors to determine
Mary Jean
Turner still needs our prayers.
Hickerson’s brother-in-law Louis Horn is home.
Kathy Hill’s
friend Gary Hodges needs our prayers.
Gaston, Denise King grandmother is in the hospital.
A friend of
Carla King, Joe Gordon is having serve eye problems.
Beth Turner
Beall has broken her foot.
Thomas Mako
is starting chemo and needs our prayers.
Foster’s sister Audrey McKer is in the North Richland Hills
Hospital with several problems.
Andy LeDane,
Eddie Griffin, Florene Griffin, Jimmy Griffin, Jerry and Betty
Harris, Don Hickerson, Billie Phillips, Mary Jean Turner, Armanda
family, Ronnie Brown, Billie Bradford, Betty Clark, Mike Dickenson,
Doris James, Gary Hickerson, Bobbie King, Dan LeDane, Carol Moore,
Beryl Miller, and Della Price.
Serving in
the military:
Faith Balzen,
Cody Blomstedt,
Travis Counts, and
Smitherman all are in the U.S...
Let us pray
for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms
way, military and civilian personnel.
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
is next Sunday May 28 after morning worship services. Everyone is
invited and encouraged to attend.
May 23 will
be the last Ladies Class until September. They will meet at Betty
Harris home.
The 18th
Annual Texomaland Summer Youth Series will begin May 30th
at Leonard church of Christ at 7:00pm. We will host the meeting June
13th. We will need to furnish refreshments for everyone.
Item: Tomato Sauce
May 28
Prayers: Morning: Robert Embry – Greg Counts
Evening: Don Harrington – Charles Counts
Scriptures: Robert Courtney
What Must
I Do To Keep From Falling?
- Read the Bible daily—2 Timothy 2:15
- Pray without ceasing—1 Thessalonians 5:17
- Add to your faith the seven Christian graces—2 Peter 1:5-11
- Attend every service—Acts 20:7; Hebrews 10:25
- Be faithful until death—Revelation 2:10
If your
faith will not take you to worship, what makes you think it will take
you to Heaven? (Hebrews 10:25)
has a right to a definite part of my time—He has the
power to take all of it,
has the right to be glorified through my words—He has
the power to take all of them.
has a right to be honored through my influence—He has
the power to take all of it.
has a right to my life—He has the power to take all of it
indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the
knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss
of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ—“
(Philippians 3:8)
What Are
You Planting?
If you plant
honesty, you will reap trust.
If you plant
goodness, you will reap friends.
If you plant
humility, you will reap greatness.
If you plant
perseverance, you will reap contentment.
If you plant
consideration, you will reap respect.
If you plant
forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation.
be careful what you plant now; It will determine what you reap later.
Bulletin Digest)