Bulletin / Prayer List 10-22-17

Prayer List
Gary Counts is scheduled to have surgery on his knee Nov. 1.
Robert Embry’s niece’s son Ryan Patti is home but is not doing well.
Kathy Hill’s sister Billie Bradford needs our prayers.
Bobbi King is recovering from surgery.
A.C. Quinn’s friend Carl Hall, has had stents placed in his heart arteries. His Heart value will be later.
Alex Miller’s girlfriend Haley, grandmother needs our prayers.
Ron Hunter is having severe heart problems.

Eddie Griffin, Tabitha Griffin, Florene Griffin, Jimmy Griffin, Jerry and Betty Harris, Billie Phillips, Betty Clark, Jim Hallman, Gary Hickerson, Gary and Dorothy Hodges, Audrey McKin, Beryl Miller, Corey Miller, Della Price, Jessica and Loretta Rhoden, and Jerry Stice.

Serving in the military: 
Faith Balzen, 
Cody Blomstedt, 
Travis Counts, and 
Dakota Smitherman all are in the U.S... 
Chris Johnson is in Kuwait.

Let us pray for our country and government leaders and those who are in harm's way, military and civilian personnel.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…

Fellowship will be next Sunday Oct. 29 after morning worship services. This will be the last Fellowship for this year. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.

Thanks: We do not often tell others we appreciate the things they do. Many do things to support the church and its work without ever being thanked. While God knows what we do, we need to remember to thank those who work here. For the Elders, we want to thank everyone for their work. It is greatly appreciated.

Pantry Item: Assorted Cereal

October 29- Prayers: Morning: Don Baker – Greg Counts
                    Evening: Robert Embry – Don Harrington
Scriptures: Robert Courtney
Erma’s Legacy

Her writing career spanned three decades, from the mid-1960s through the mid-1990s.
She wrote 12 books and received 16 honorary doctorate degrees. But three years before she died of cancer in 1996, popular humorist Erma Bombeck told an ABC TV interviewer that no matter how many columns she had written, her legacy would be her three children. “If I did a bad job with them,” she said, “then everything else [I] do isn’t very important.”
Bombeck had riches and fame and the goodwill of millions of readers, but she realized that her top priority was taking care of her children.
Although no parent can be guaranteed that his or her child will turn out to be a godly model citizen, those of us who are parents must start with Erma’s attitude. Our motivation is to provide spiritually, physically, and emotionally for our children. They will be our legacy. This means introducing them to the Savior, providing spiritual guidance, praying for them, and encouraging them to find mentors who can guide them in godly living. Sometimes it is a battle. Often it is expensive in time and toil. But the value of a child overshadows it all.
Dave Branon (Heart To Heart)

Run now, I pray thee, to her, to meet her, and say unto her. Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with thy child? And she answered, It is well.” --2 Kings 4:26

THOMAS JEFFERSON: “I have said and always will say, that the studious perusal of the Sacred Volume will make better citizens, better fathers, and better husbands. . . . The Bible makes the best people in the world.”