Gary Counts
is recovering from knee surgery, & scheduled to have surgery on
his other knee Nov. 1.
Embry’s niece’s son, Ryan Patti, is home.
Kathy Hill’s
sister, Billie Bradford, needs our prayers.
Bobbi King
is scheduled to have surgery Oct. 17.
A.C. Quinn’s
friend, Carl Hall, will have stents placed in his heart arteries.
Harrington will have his other eye operated on this week.
The grandmother of Alex
Miller’s girlfriend, Haley, needs our prayers.
Griffin, Tabitha Griffin, Florene Griffin, Jimmy Griffin, Jerry and
Betty Harris, Billie Phillips, Betty Clark, Jim Hallman, Gary
Hickerson, Gary and Dorothy Hodges, Rob Hunter, Audrey McKin, Beryl
Miller, Corey Miller, Della Price, Jessica and Loretta Rhoden, and
Jerry Stice.
Serving in
the military: Faith Balzen, Cody Blomstedt, Travis Counts, and Dakota
Smitherman all are in the U.S... Chris Johnson is in Kuwait.
Let us pray
for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms
way, military and civilian personnel.
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
Our Fall
Meeting begins today and goes thru the 11th. Evening services will
be 7:30pm each night. We need to plan to attend and invite others.
The Men’s
Business Meeting will be next Sunday after evening worship services.
All men are invited and encouraged to attend.
Item: Can Corn
October 15-
Prayers: Morning: Greg Counts – Don Baker
Evening: Robert Embry – Don Harrington
Scriptures: Robert Courtney
In his book, Among the Missing, Robert Nash tells the remarkable story of Anna N. Fellows. One day in 1879 her husband came home to discover she had left him without a word. For 20 years there was no word or trace of Anna. Then one day her husband came home to find her in the kitchen fixing supper, as if she had never been gone. She refused to explain where she had been, and somehow they settled down to try to revive their home life. But after three years Anna left again—this time she never returned…
No one would think of using the word faithful to describe her behavior. Obviously, her husband got far less of her loyalty than he had a right to expect. But this is the way many people treat God! They disappear and reappear in their service to Him whenever it suits them. They vanish from the worship of the church for weeks on end then come back and sing, “Oh, How I Love Jesus,” as if they really meant it!
Faithfulness means giving our Lord the preeminence, the precedence and priority in all things! He expects and has the right to expect no less!
- via the Lake Hills Letter, weekly bulletin of the Lake Hills Church of Christ in Chattanooga, TN.
Jesus promised the
crown of life only to those who are faithful unto death (Rev. 2:10).