Bulletin / Prayer List 11-5-17

Prayer List
Frank Rhoden is going through a series of tests.
Gary Counts surgery has been delayed until Nov. 30th.
Bobbi King is recovering from surgery. She is doing well.
Alex Miller’s girlfriend Haley, grandmother needs our prayers. .
Ron Hunter is having severe heart problems.

Eddie Griffin, Tabitha Griffin, Florene Griffin, Jimmy Griffin, Jerry and Betty Harris, Billie Phillips, Billie Bradford, Betty Clark, Carl Hall, Jim Hallman, Gary Hickerson, Gary and Dorothy Hodges, Audrey McKin, Beryl Miller, Corey Miller, Ryan Patti, Della Price, Jessica and Loretta Rhoden, and Jerry Stice.

Serving in the military: 
Faith Balzen, 
Cody Blomstedt, 
Travis Counts, 
Tyler Davies, 
Josh Van Deren, and 
Dakota Smitherman all are in the U.S... 
Chris Johnson has been deployed to Kuwait.

Let us pray for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms way, military and civilian personnel.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…

Pantry Item: Spam

November 12- Prayers: Morning: Robert Courtney – Robert Embry
                                      Evening: Don Harrington – Kerry King
Scriptures: Greg Counts
What We Can Learn From Saul
By Robert Courtney

In the 15th chapter of 1 Samuel we find the account of Saul’s battle with the Amalekites. In vs.2 - 3 we find God’s instruction to Saul. God instructed Saul to utterly destroy the Amalekites for what they did to Israel coming out of Egypt. Saul destroyed the Amalekites from Havilah to Shur (vs.7-8) and capturing Agag the King of the Amalekites. In addition to King Agag Saul and the Israelites kept the best (vs. 9) of the sheep, the oxen, the fatlings, the lambs, and all that was good.
When Saul met Samuel, he informed Samuel he had done as he was instructed; but, Samuel (vs.14-15) hearing the bleating of the sheep and the lowering of the oxen knew that Saul had not done what he was instructed to do. But Saul told Samuel that he had sinned for not following the Lord’s instructions (vs. 20-21).
Saul’s failure to obey God and blame it on his people was a sin.

What can we learn from this event? The first and most important is obedience. We need to understand what God’s word means and understand that change of God’s Word is not allowed. If we cannot change God’s Word what makes us think we can change His commandments (Revelation 22: 18-19). This was Saul’s problem.
We are responsible for what we do, not what others do
(2 Corinthians 5:10). Saul tried to blame his sins on his people.
The sacrifice that Saul made at Gilgal was just as sinful. Saul was not a Priest (Levite). He was from the tribe of Benjamin, therefore was not authorized to offer a sacrifice to God.
Just as Saul compound his sins so do we. We often continue to do the same sin because we believe it is OK. We know something is a sin and continue in it because we like it just as Saul did thinking God will ignore it, or convince ourselves it is alright.
Just as Saul, we want to believe that we can sin and God will not see it (Mark 4:22). Nothing can be further from the truth. Nothing can be hidden from God (Luke 16:15). How did Samuel know what Saul did? God told him. How did God know? He saw what Saul did. This is a truth we must learn if we are going to be found acceptable to God.
Reasons To Remain Faithful
By Kerry King

  1. The reward (2 Tim. 4:6-8).
  2. The example of Christ (1 Pet. 2:21).
  3. The strength od God’s Word (Acts 20:32).
  4. The encouragement of others (1 Tim. 4:6).
  5. Our ability to discern good and evil (Heb. 5:14).
  6. The desire to prove all things (1 Thess. 5:21).
  7. The realization that Christ walks with the faithful (Mt. 28:20