were you?
Morning Class: 14
Sermon: 17
Sermon: 15
Evening Class: 13
We need to
keep Kathy Hill in our prayers.
Jerry Harris
is sick.
Dale Counts
is recovering from surgery.
A friend of
Kerry and Carla King Brian Scott is recovering from burns.
Embry’s cousin Paul Deaugherty is recovering from a house wall
following on him.
(Cox) Serrano is home recovering from surgery.
Eddie and
Tabitha Griffin , Florene and Jimmy Griffin, Betty Harris, Billie
Phillips, Billie Bradford, Betty Clark, Eddie Hickerson, Gary
Hickerson, Dorothy Hodges, Bobbi King, Audrey McKin, Beryl Miller,
Della Price, and Eddie Rollins.
Serving in
the military:
Faith Balzen,
Cody Blomstedt,
Travis Counts,
Davies, and
Josh Van Deren, all are in the U.S...
Chris Johnson has
been deployed to Kuwait.
Let us pray
for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms
way, military and civilian personnel.
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
is today after morning worship services. Everybody is invited and
encouraged to attend.
Item: Paper Towels
Announcements: Robert Embry
Lord Supper:
Don Baker, Robert Courtney and Don Harrington
February 4
Prayers: Morning: Robert Courtney – Don Harrington
Evening: Don Baker – Kerry King
Scriptures: Robert Embry
and Making Melody
T. Pierce Brown
says in Ephesians 5:19, “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and
hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to
the Lord”. It is probable that some person might assume that
“speaking to yourselves” would mean “speak in such a
fashion that no one could hear you”. If one has any other
versions, it would be easy enough to check and see that they
translate it “speaking to one another”. In this article,
we do not intend to dwell on the difference in “psalms,”
“hymns,” and “spiritual songs,” although there is
a slight difference. We only mean to comment on the significance of
the phrase “singing and making melody in your hearts”.
The word “singing” is from the Greek term “ado”
and is always used of vocal praise to God. It is used five times in
the New Testament.
term “making melody” is from the Greek word “psallo”,
which means in the New Testament, “to sing a hymn”. The
specific instruction here is that it is to be done in the heart. The
singing is to be vocal music; the making melody (singing of a hymn of
praise) is to be done in (from) the heart. In other words, it is not
fitting and proper to merely sing a song. It is to be done from the
inmost part of your life---the seat of your emotions and center of
your being. Those who think their worship is superior to that of
those who use instruments of music may be sadly mistaken. Going
through the motions of singing without doing it in the proper spirit
and with the understanding is vain worship just as playing on a
mechanical instrument.
Pierce Brown (1923-2008) lived and preached in Cookeville, Tennessee,