Prayer List
We need to keep Jerry and Betty Harris in our prayers.
We need to keep Don and Dannie Baker in our prayers.
Don Harrington will have surgery on his hand November 1.
Doctors have determined that Brooklyn King will not have surgery on her arm.
Billy Joe Wheeler has begun chemo treatments for Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
Chris Johnson’s mother Angel Johnson has begun cancer treatment.
Don Boyd has begun treatment for his cancer.
Eddie Rolens will have a blood filter removed Nov. 5.
James and Florene Griffin, Jerry and Betty Harris, Billie Phillips, Billie Bradford, Betty Clark, Mary Hamel and her husband, Don Hickerson, Eddie Hickerson, Gary Hickerson, Dorothy Hodges, Bobbi King, Audrey McKin, Beryl Miller, and Brian Scott.
Serving in the military;
Cody Blomstedt,
Tyler Davies,
Josh Van Deren and
Chris Johnson. All are in the U.S. at this time.
Let us pray for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms way, military and civilian personnel.
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
Fellowship is today after morning worship services. This will be the last Fellowship for 2018. Everybody is invited.
Pantry Item:
November Announcements: Robert Courtney
Lord Supper: Greg Counts, Robert Embry and Walter McMillen
November 4 Prayers: Morning: Walter McMillen - Charles Counts
Evening: Robert Embry - Greg Counts
Scriptures: Robert Courtney
“And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18
Real Forgiveness
By Kevin Williams
By Kevin Williams
Forgiveness is a biblical doctrine with which we are all familiar. We understand that we need forgiveness when we sin. We know that Jesus is the One Who provided the only means by which we can be forgiven, His blood that was shed on the Cross. We are fully aware that we receive full pardon from our sins when we contact His blood in our obedience to Him. What a feeling to be forgiven!
Forgiveness is not only desired from God, but also from those against whom we sin. We will go to great lengths at times to make sure that people know how sorry we are for offending them. We might go great distances, stop what we are presently doing and immediately take action, ask several times for forgiveness, and possibly spend much of the rest of our lives trying to “make up” for what we have done, out of a sense of deep guilt, because we feel so bad about our actions.
Forgiveness is not only desired from God and those whom we offend, it is also to be extended by us to others when they sin against us. Many times this is where Satan catches us. He tempts us to NOT forgive others because we were so hurt by the offense, or because of our pride, or because we focus on the betrayal of our trust in them, or for a host of other reasons. What does real forgiveness look like?
♥ Like an action from the heart because we have really forgiven from the heart.
♥ Like we are not holding a grudge because we have really decided that we would treat others as if they had never offended us.
♥ Like we are sympathetic because we really do understand that each of us sins and how bad our sin makes us feel.
♥ Like we are friends because we really do value our relationship as brothers and sisters in Christ too much to let inappropriate feelings hinder us.
♥ Like God’s forgiveness of us because we know that He forgives us out of His great love for us and we really want to be like Him.
Now, that’s real forgiveness!