Prayer List
Kenlie Haskett is recovering from her broken leg and her cast should be removed in about 3 weeks.
Kirk Johnson’s mother Angel Johnson is scheduled to have surgery in January.
We need to keep Monty Randallph in our prayers..
Denise King’s brother-in-law Jared Harwell is improving.
Tabatha Griffin is home recovering from her surgery.
Archer Balzen is having heart problems.
Don and Dannie Baker, James and Florene Griffin, Billie Phillips, Billie Bradford, Betty Clark, Mary Hamel and her husband, Don Hickerson, Eddie Hickerson, Dorothy Hodges, Bobbi King, Audrey McKin, Beryl Miller, Brian Scott and Billy Joe Wheeler.
Serving in the military; Cody Blomstedt, Tyler Davies, Josh Van Deren and Kirk Johnson. All are in the U.S. at this time.
Let us pray for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms way, military and civilian personnel.
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
Our prayers and sympathy go out to Frank Rhoden’s Cousin’s family in the loss of Betty Sue Ray.
Pantry Item: Spaghetti Sauce
December Announcements: Robert Embry
Lord Supper: Robert Courtney, Jerry Harris, Don Harrington
December 2 Prayers: Morning: Robert Courtney – Don Baker
Evening: Greg Counts – Don Harrington
Scriptures: Robert Embry
By James W. Boyd
By James W. Boyd
We are warned in Scripture to take heed what we hear (Mark 4:24) and how we hear (Luke 8:18). We may not always be able to control everything that might fall on our ears, but much of it we can. And, whatever we do hear we can take care how we hear, that is, what effect it might have on us. We can use self-control and self-discipline regarding our reactions to such things. But do we hear any better than the next fellow?
What I am asking is whether we pay any attention to what we hear more than others even when we hear the Gospel truth of Jesus Christ? Do we respond any more favorably before God than those who reject His Word altogether?
Yes, most would say they hear better when it comes to hearing God’s Word. We often criticize those in religious error for just not paying real attention to the revealed truth. This criticism is justly given. But when I hear the command to “assemble faithfully” being taught, and see brothers and sisters act as if such a command was never given, it does make one wonder how we hear.
- via the Nile Street Notes, the weekly bulletin of the Anna Church of Christ in Anna, IL;
By David G. Rogne
By David G. Rogne
People grow and mature at different rates. Thomas Edison’s teacher said he could never amount to anything and advised his mother to take him out of school. Winston Churchill was admitted to school in the lowest level classes, and never moved out of the lowest group in all the years he attended Harrow. Albert Einstein seemed so slow and dull that his parents feared that he was mentally deficient. One observer has said, “Great minds and high talent, in most cases, cannot be hurried and, like healthy plants, grow slowly.”
It is so with God’s kingdom. We scatter the seed, but we are not ultimately responsible for its growth. We cannot make things happen. The process by which those in this world become the kingdom of God proceeds very slowly, and it exasperates us. But, at the same time, if we have faithfully scattered the seed, we are not to blame for its failure to appear in its fullness. We are being cautioned in the words of Jesus to be patient.
“Bring forth fruit with patience”-Luke 8:15
- via The Contender