Bulletin / Prayer List 12-30-18

Prayer List Ruby Sloan is having severe back problems.
Charles Counts is having various medical problems.
Monty Randolph has begun radiation and chemo treatment.
Archie Balzen has heart problems and need our prayers.
Angel Johnson’s surgery has been moved to February.
Don Hickerson’s brother Gary has been diagnosed with cancer on his spine.
A.C. Quinn’s daughter Brenda Williams is having to wear a heart monitor.
Floyce Hunter is in TMC room 506. She is having heart problems and will wear a heart monitor.

Don and Dannie Baker, James, Florene and Tabatha Griffin, Kathy Hill, Billie Phillips, Billie Bradford, Leona Brown, Betty Clark, Les Hamel, Don Hickerson, Eddie Hickerson, Dorothy Hodges, Bobbi King, and Beryl Miller,.

Serving in the military; Cody Blomstedt, Tyler Davies, Josh Van Deren and Kirk Johnson. All are in the U.S. at this time.

Let us pray for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms way, military and civilian personnel.

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…

Pantry Item: Sliced Pineapple

January Announcements: Robert Courtney
Lord Supper: Robert Embry, Jerry Harris and Walter McMillen

January 6 Prayers:  Morning: Don Baker – Robert Embry
                               Evening: Greg Counts – Kerry King

Scriptures: Robert Courtney


"The Church Has Let Me Down" 

Does this describe the way you feel? If it does, let me warn you. Don't expect to get more out than you put in. If you choose to stand apart from the church, refusing to participate in her programs of work, fail to support her financially, and only occasionally attend worship services, the church will always disappoint you. On the other hand, if you become very active in everything the church here is involved in, read your Bible and pray every day, visit the shut ins, fellowship with fellow Christians, etc., you will be amazed at how much your view of the church will change.



Children’s Games 
by A. C. Quinn 

Among the games children play, especially when they are desperately attempting to escape the retribution of parents or others in authority, is the blame game. The object of this game is for the child to somehow place the responsibility for his unacceptable words or deeds on someone else, freeing himself from whatever the consequences may be. “He did it,” or “She did it” is the oft heard refrain.

Tragically, it is not just children who play the blame game. Many adults play it. And you know what, too many members of the church play the same childish game in a feeble attempt to dodge their duties and obligations to the Lord’s church where they worship.

Some church members who do not attend services regularly blame their spasmodic attendance on hypocrites. They cannot bear sitting beside a hypocrite in the house of worship, and you know, the church does have its hypocrites. One has to wonder, however, about the sincerity of this rational, and when he does, he will ask some serious questions: “Are there no hypocrites in the restaurants and other retail businesses folks frequently patronize?” “Do hypocrites not attend sporting events--baseball, football, soccer, etc?” It would appear that one so repulsed by hypocrites in the church would be equally repulsed by them at other events that appears not to be the case at all.

Christians should be disgusted with hypocrites, but they should not allow them to become the stumbling block which hinders the Christian from doing his duty. In fact. All should realize that hell will have a sizable population of hypocrites, and there will not be any special seating arrangements for the self-righteous who want to avoid them.