Bulletin / Prayer List 3-31-19

Prayer List
Charles Counts has improved after surgery & is being monitored weekly.
Monte Randolph had PET scan. Results not good.
Jeremy King has his blood pressure under control for now.
Nonie Tucker had new hip repaired and is slowly recovering She is in good spirits and has to be cautious about every move she makes.
Norma Garza (Walter’s neighbor) had shoulder surgery Wednesday & is staying with daughter until Monday.
Ruby Slone has pneumonia in her left lung & pain in her neck. Had stimulator inserted in back.
Ronald Hickerson had surgery on shoulder, & is waiting for biopsy results.
Eddie Roland to get filter for blood clots & needs a hip replacement.
Pat Rivera (friend of Frank) is in rehab for COPD & several broken bones.
Rebecca Van Deren has eye problems & may get insulin pump for diabetes.

Kathy Hill (cancer), Ben Harrington (diabetes complications), Don Hickerson (arterial problems), Eddie Griffin (heart), Tabitha Griffin (cancer), Billie Bradford (in nursing home), Betty Clark (in remission from cancer), Les Hamel (weekly transfusions, stress), Beryl Miller (macular degeneration).

Serving in the military: Tyler Davies, Josh Van Deren, Kirklynn Hance and Kirk Johnson in the USA. Cody Blomstedt is in Korea.

Our Spring Meeting will be April 7-10
Topic NEVER. GIVE. UP. - a study of the saints and what kept them going
By Clint Brown from Farmersville, Texas
Fellowship meal will be after morning services on April 7th.

    Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
    James 5:16 (KJV)

Pantry Item: Spaghetti Sauce - or other non-perishable items.

April Announcements Robert Embry
Communion Don Harrington Jerry Harris Kerry King
Men Serving Next Week April 7, 2019
Morning Prayers Don Baker, Greg Counts
Evening Prayers Robert Embry, Don Harrington
Scripture Robert Embry

If Every Christian Imitated You

David Sproule
Paul told his fellow Christians in Corinth, “I urge you, imitate me...Imitate me…” (1 Cor. 4:16; 11:1). He told his fellow Christians in Philippi, “Brethren, join in following my example...The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do” (Phil. 3:17; 4:9). What would that early church have looked like if they all truly mimicked the life of the apostle Paul? How evangelistic would they have been? How encouraging? How devoted? How generous? How studious?

Now, let’s turn the tables for a moment and make this glaringly personal. Imagine for a moment that you told your fellow Christians in your home congregation at the beginning of this year, “I urge you, imitate me...Brethren, join in following my example...The things which you hear and see in me, these do.” What would your home congregation look like now, at the end of the year, if every member truly mimicked you?

How evangelistic would your home congregation have been this year if every member mimicked you? How many tracts would the church have handed out? How many deeply religious conversations would have taken place with family members and coworkers? How many friends would have been invited to worship? How many links to articles and sermons would have been shared? How many Bible studies would have been offered and conducted? How many baptisms would have resulted if everyone mimicked you?

How encouraging would your home congregation have been this year if every member mimicked you? How many cards would have been mailed out? How many phone calls would have been made? How many friendly texts or emails would have been sent? How many home visits would have been made? How many warm handshakes and hugs would have been given? How many meals would have been shared together? How many church members would have been personally contacted and built up if everyone mimicked you?

You get the idea, right? How fervent would singing in worship have been this year if everyone mimicked you? How sacrificial would the total contribution have been if everyone mimicked you? How many chapters in the Bible would have been personally read and studied throughout the year if everyone mimicked you?

The Lord’s church does need fancy programs to reach lost souls, to encourage fellow Christians, to improve our worship, to cause Christians to read their Bibles, etc., etc. No! It just needs Christians who are deeply committed to Jesus Christ! Paul could say, “Imitate me,” because he was deeply committed every day to “imitating Christ.” Are you?


Gaps in the Walls, Must Be Filled

Dan Jenkins
The Bible is filled with illustrations from the lives of ancient times which are then used to make great spiritual applications. When God spoke to Israel through His prophet Ezekiel, He used the expression of “a man standing in the gap” (Ezek. 22:30). We may not readily see what this man was doing, but it was well understood by the men in Ezekiel’s day.

Men in the gap, breaches in the city walls and ancient warfare. The cities in the Old Testament were protected by walls, watchmen on top of those walls and fortified gates. The most skilled soldiers were posted atop the walls to ensure the safety of the city. However, there were those times when enemy soldiers were able to break down the wall and create gaps so they could enter and plunder the city. When such emergencies occurred, it was imperative that someone, even if he was not a highly trained soldier, stand in that gap and protect the city at all cost.

Gaps in the wall around the city of Jerusalem in Ezekiel’s day. This imagery was used by Ezekiel to describe what was spiritually happening to Israel. Spiritual gaps were in the walls, yet not one person was willing to do anything about them. There were political gaps. The rulers were self-centered and unashamedly taking bribes to become wealthy (Ezek. 22:27). There were religious gaps created by their leaders who used their positions to take the possessions of the people and oppressed the poor, especially widows (Ezek. 22:25). They also covered their actions by acting like they were working on these gaps and claimed to see visions from God (Ezek. 22:23-28). They were even making up messages and saying, “Thus says the Lord.” Inside the walls there were the citizens creating “gaps” by oppression and robbery (Ezek. 22:29). The gaps were obvious, but nothing was being done to close them. God said, “So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall and stand in the gap before Me...but I found no one” (Ezek. 22:29).

Gaps in our walls, and God looks for a man. There are gaps all around us locally and nationally. There are gaps in our homes when parents are too busy to stand for what is right. There are gaps in the church when preaching has so little Scripture.
God looks for those to stand in the gaps. They must be vigilant. They must be courageous. They must be focused and determined to stand at all costs.
The question is whether you are willing to be that person to deal with the reality of gaps in the wall. Consider this. God is looking for just one person to stand in the gap. Godly men and women have stood in the gaps in the past. God is looking for a man to stand, and that person can be you!


Answer to last weeks question!
What unlucky prophet delivered an unfavorable message to King Ahab? - Micaiah ben-Imiah (1Kings 22:8-28)

Trivia Question This false prophet wore a yoke, which Jeremiah broke.