Bulletin / Prayer List 5-26-19

Prayer List
Charlie Counts’ ankle is continuing to heal.
Monte Randolph will have PET scan to determine further treatment.
Eddie Roland, no update on hip surgery.
Rebecca Van Deren is awaiting a colonoscopy and gallbladder surgery.
Zack Folkes, from Howe, has started chemo.
Gary Yowell's wife, Debbie, is home waiting to have gall bladder surgery.
Billy Joe Wheeler (Mark Bickenbach’s father in law) has requested prayers.
Kerry’s Mother received a good report from PET scan.
Gaylon Pasley has prostrate cancer.

Kathy Hill (cancer), Don Hickerson (Arterial problems), Nonie Tucker (hip replacement), Betty Clark (in remission from cancer), Beryl Miller (macular degeneration).

Serving in the military:, Josh Van Deren, Kirklynn Hance and Kirk Johnson in the USA. Cody Blomstedt is in Korea. Tyler Davies scheduled to go to Dubai.

Fellowship meal has been postponed until next week June 2 after morning worship.

    Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
    James 5:16 (KJV)

Pantry Item: liquid laundry detergent - or other non-perishable items.

Men Serving Next Week June 2, 2019
Announcements Don Harrington
Morning Prayers Jerry Harris Kerry King
Evening Prayers Don Baker Charles Counts
Scripture Don Harrington

Does The Devil Make Us Do It?

When Eve succumbed to Satan’s ploy (Genesis 3:1-6), he played a role in her choices, but she had some faulty thinking about temptation and sin. The devil tempts us, but he doesn’t make us sin.
James tells us that God isn’t to blame either: “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone” (James 1:13).
So who is to blame when we sin?
The inspired writer James answers:
Each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed” (James 1:14).
Just as a fisherman uses bait to lure his prey, our unchecked desires lead us to giving in to temptation and sin.
When we disobey God by sinning (1 John 3:4; cf. Romans 3:23), let us not shift the blame or try to justify our actions with any faulty “the devil made me do it” theology (cf. Exodus 32:19-24).
Instead, let us take full responsibility for our actions (2 Samuel 24:10), confess our sins to a gracious and forgiving Father (1 John 1:9; cf. Psalm 32:5), and then pursue godly living again (1 Timothy 4:8; cf. 1 Timothy 6:1-6).


Answer to last weeks question!
What epistle mentions Tryphena, a faithful church worker? (Romans 16:12)

Trivia Question What made the seven hundred men of Benjamin special?