Counts’ is waiting a couple of weeks to make sure all infection is
gone before any heart procedure.
Counts’ house is total loss after lightning strike.
Counts is still weak but doing better.
Fowler (Charles sister) is undergoing more tests to determine the
extent of her cancer.
Cox is wearing defibrillator while doctors decide on next step.
King’s cellulitis in legs has healed.
Courtney is traveling this week, visiting her sister.
Drews (11 mo. old) has AML -M7, a rare cancer. (Relative of
Folkes (cancer) Gaylon Pasley (cancer), Evette Stewart (Robert’s
niece) has COPD., Walter McMillen (traveling), Billy Joe Wheeler
(Mark Bickenbach’s father in law) is in Woodlands, Kathy
Hill (cancer), Don Hickerson (Arterial problems),
Betty Clark (in remission from cancer),
Beryl Miller (macular degeneration).
in the military:, Josh Van Deren, Kirklynn Hance and Kirk
Johnson in the USA. Cody Blomstedt is in Korea. Tyler Davies
scheduled to go to Dubai.
business meeting will be held tonight, (June 16, 2019), after evening
service. All men are encouraged to attend.
your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be
healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth
5:16 (KJV)
Item: sliced pineapple - or other non-perishable items.
Serving Next Week June
Prayers Robert Embry Don Harrington
Prayers Jerry Harris Kerry King
How Many Baskets?
live in a culture that demands proof for any claims that are made.
Perhaps this is because with unlimited and immediate access to all
manner of factual information, we believe that any claim must be
demonstrable with only a few clicks and a quick search. However,
this mentality has a hard time dealing with statements of truth that
are not limited to collected data points. Further, this kind of
ignorance can lead to unbelief because it makes us the arbiters of
truth as we examine all of the facts. This is not to say that a
healthy dose of skepticism is not a valuable trait, because we can be
harmed through gullibility, but we can see that some things are true,
even in the absence of cold, hard, facts.
Jesus addressed this mentality, He not only diagnosed it as an
attitude problem, but an infectious one at that. Matthew 16:1-12
records an incident that Jesus used as a teaching opportunity for His
disciples. In the account, Jesus addressed the issue of a faith that
is lacking, both in large ways, and in small ways as well.
the first part of the account (Matthew 16:1-4), the the Jewish
religious leaders came to Jesus demanding a sign from heaven. Jesus
responded by using the “sign from heaven” phrase as a way to talk
about seeing the state of the world around them and being able to
make the necessary preparations. “When
it is evening, you say, ‘[It will be] fair weather, for the sky is
red.’ And in the morning, ‘[There will be] a storm today, for the
sky is red and threatening.’ Do you know how to discern the
appearance of the sky, but cannot [discern] the signs of the
16:2-3) The Pharisees and Sadducees had failed to realize the
destruction of their whole way of life was imminent, and they were
not repenting. The only “sign”
they were going to get was “the
sign of Jonah”
which had two meanings. Jonah warned of impending destruction, and
was also three days in the “deep,”
just as Jesus was warning them, and would remain three days in the
Jesus’ disciples also were in danger of being influenced by this
way of thinking. “Watch
out and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”
16:6) When the disciples misunderstood Jesus’ comment, they
assumed He was rebuking them for failing to prepare and bring bread
along for the trip. He rebuked them, He used a particular name for
them (ὀλιγόπιστοι
- oligopistoi,
that is normally translated, “you
of little faith.”
Their concern for the temporary and physical was a sign of problems
in their faith. As a reminder, He asked them, “how
many baskets”
(Matthew 16:9-10, cf. Mark 8:19-20) of leftovers they had picked up
when He fed the five thousand and the seven thousand.
we ask God to give us a special sign, it is the result of a faith
problem, because we are closing our eyes to the things He has already
shown us. When we ignore the important spiritual concerns for the
fleshly and temporary, it is the result of a faith problem because we
are forgetting what He has already done for us. Let us never be an
“evil and adulterous generation” or be “of little faith.”
to last weeks question!
the first 2 women to here that there husband had killed a man? Zilah
and Adah wives of Lamech.
(Genesis 4:19-23)
Question What servant woman
of Leah’s became the mother of 2 tribes of Israel?