Tom Bean church of Christ
June 07 2020
209 South Brown Street Tom Bean, Tx 75489
Phone: (903) 546-6620
Charlie Counts Greg Counts Kerry King
Robert Embry
Kerry King
Sunday Bible Study 9:00 AM
Worship 10:00 AM
PM Worship 6:00 PM
Tuesday Ladies Class 10:00 AM
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM
Jerry Harris
Greg Counts Kerry King
AC Quinn Don Hickerson
Charles Counts Walter McMillen
Don Baker is doing some better.
Leta Embry had another chemo treatment last Friday.
Brenda Loftice still needs our prayers as she recovers from eye surgery.
Greg Counts has had several tests to determine the problem he is having
with his blood pressure. He will have a heart scan soon if his blood
pressure stays down.
Joy Fowler is not doing well.
Remember in Daily Prayer:
Cancer: Kathy Hill, Elaine Yniguez, Joy Fowler, Betty Clark, Don Boyd, Lucus
Drews, Brayden Counts, Ruth Stone (Greg’s bosses’ wife), Sue Pray, Jesse
Farrer (Tom Bean schoolboard president), Sharon Ditto (friend of Jan), Gordy
Hicks, Mary Estep.
Macular Degeneration: AC Quinn, Beryl Miller
Others: Florene Griffin (back & hip), Beverly Roberts (MS), Scott, Judy &Tonya
McMillen, Norma Garza, Carmen Loftice, Dannie Baker (severe allergies),
Steve Dupuis (heart, AC’s son in law), Bill Davis (stroke), Walter McMillen
(TIA), June Witaker (mini strokes), Darril Slone (Mysathenia Gravis), Don &
Jewel Tarbet (Car Wreck), Orange Hughes (Stroke).
Serving Our Country:
Cody Blomstedt (Korea),
Kirklynn Hance,
Kirk Johnson (Kuwait)
Tyler Davies has been deployed to South Africa,
Jesse Thetford (deployed to Afghanistan).
Police & First Responders, Medical Staff Doctors:
Travis Counts, Dalton Griffin, Chelsie Serrano
Men Serving Next Week June 13, 2020
Morning: Robert Embry – Jerry Harris
Evening: Kerry King – AC Quinn
Men’s Business Meeting – next Sunday evening after services.
Pantry Item: Canned Fruit.
“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16)
Why Do People Suffer?
By Ben Bailey
Look around and you will see that we live in a world plagued by
suffering. The amount of people dying with such dreaded diseases as
cancer, and AIDS is at an epidemic high.
Many people around the world are literally starving to death right now.
Others are in the midst of emotional and psychological turmoil and suffering.
As we see the suffering that occurs in our world, we are naturally made to ask the
question, “WHY?”. Why does human suffering occur? Let us consider
a major reason for human suffering.
One biblical reason for suffering is it helps us to realize this world that
we live in is not our eternal home but is merely a temporary
probationary period for eternity. The Apostle Paul reminded us of the
value of suffering in 2 Cor. 4:17-18. “For our light affliction, which is
but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal
weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but
at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are
temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.”
Oh, how we need to let our problems focus our attention on the real issues of life,
like eternity. The Bible also teaches us that Heaven will be well worth any sufferings
we might incur on this life. Paul said, “For I consider that the sufferings of this present
time are not worthy to be compared to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed
in us” (Rom 8:18).
When life seems harsh and unkind and someone you love passes from
this life all too soon, remember this old sinful world is not what life is
about. Real life is about living with God in eternity (John 14:1-6). As
Peter said, “…the heavens will be dissolved being on fire and the
elements will melt with fervent heat…Nevertheless we, according to
His promise, look for new heavens and new earth in which
righteousness dwells (2 Pet. 3:12-13).
May God help each of us to turn from our problems and look to Heaven itself (Col. 3:1-4).