Bulletin /Prayer List 2-14-15

Prayer List
Mary Jean Turner is recovering from hip surgery.
Shirley Quinn is in Texoma Health Center room 113.
Ben Harrington is home recovering from a pancreas problem.
A friend of Kerry King, son was involved in a serious auto accident and will be in the hospital for some time.
Don Hickerson’s brother Gary has several tumors on his pancreas that will have to be remove.
Jeff Loftice’s aunt Lucy Wheeler, kidneys are failing.
Wanda Peterson son, Lynn Paulson is having heart problems.

Nell Hall, Betty and Jerry Harris, James and Florene Griffin, Don Hickerson, Andy LeDane, Lester and Billie Phillips, Jack and Diane Arnold, Betty Clark, Richard Doan, Debbie Kluge, Sonny and Doris James, Dan LeDane, Beryl Miller, Wanda Peterson, Dean and Della Price, and Terry Turner .

Serving in the military:   Travis Counts   Faith Balzen    Cody Blomstedt      Dakota Smitherman

Let us pray for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms way, military and civilian personnel.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…

The Counts have a new grandson/great grandson. Shawn and Kim son was born a few days early.

The Men’s Business Meeting is tonight after services. All men are invited and encouraged to attend.

Pantry Item: Canned Corn

February 21st Prayers Morning: Greg Counts – Butch Balzen
Evening: Jack Cawthon – Robert Courtney
Scriptures: Robert Embry

How Can You Influence Someone for Christ?

By Lance Cordle

* Live for Christ.
* Know your Bible.
* Invite them to worship, as well as other activities of the church.
* Discuss spiritual things with them in private and relaxed settings.
* Express genuine affection for your family of origin and your immediate family.
* Think about and express approval of noble things.
* Participate in wholesome and uplifting activities.
* Express concern and disapproval of sinful things.
* Refrain from workplace gossip.
* Be wise and cautious in relationships with those of the opposite sex, especially if you are married.
* Work hard and honestly at your occupation.
* Let the discovery of your personal habits of prayer, Bible study, etc., come about naturally, rather than by your own assertions.
* Express genuine care and concern for other people.
* Demonstrate genuine care and concern for other people.
* Strive to make your private life and public life consistent, both in speech and practice.
* Answer questions about God and the Bible with gentleness and respect.
* Freely admit the truth when you don’t know the answer to a religious question.
* If you are challenged with a religious question and you don’t know the answer, volunteer to lead a diligent and honest study of Scripture about the subject.
* Pray that your friend will have an honest and open heart.
* Praise and encourage your friend.
* Be friendly and courteous to everyone.
* Courageously stand for what is right
* Be content in knowing that any glory goes to God.

- Lance Cordle preaches the Calvert City Church of Christ in Calvert City, KY.
God’s commandments are never multiple choice. (Read Hebrews 10:25)….