Quinn is recovering from a heart attack. She is in ICU.
Nell Hall is
scheduled to have surgery on her feet.
A friend of
Kerry King, son has been moved to a rehab facility. Don Hickerson’s
brother Gary must lose some weight, before he can have surgery on
his pancreas.
Loftice’s aunt Lucy Wheeler, has decided she will not have any
treatment for her cancer..
Peterson’s son, Lynn Paulson has had surgery and is doing better.
Betty and
Jerry Harris, James and Florene Griffin, Don Hickerson, Andy LeDane,
Lester and Billie Phillips, Mary Jean Turner, Jack and Diane Arnold,
Betty Clark, Debbie Kluge, Doris James, Dan LeDane, Beryl Miller,
Dean and Della Price, Terry Turner, and Wanda Peterson.
Serving in
the military: Travis Counts Faith Balzen
Blomstedt Dakota Smitherman
Let us pray
for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms
way, military and civilian personnel.
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
The Men’s
Business Meeting is today after evening worship services. All men
are invited.
Robert and
Leta Embry no longer have land line telephone. They
are going
cellar. Their telephone numbers are:
Robert –
(903) 818-5568
Leta – (903) 744-6468
Item Canned Green Beans
March 20th
Prayers Morning: Butch Balzen – Jack Cawthon
Evening: Butch Balzen – Robert Embry
Scriptures: Don Harrington
Jimmy Jividen
worship is not a performance to please men, but praise to glorify
God. Many seem to have forgotten this truth. Churches try to outdo
one another in their pageantry, musical performances, and dramatic
productions. Their motive seems to be to please men rather than to
praise God.
God does
not dwell in physical temples. He is not worshipped by human
performances, no matter how beautiful, dramatic, or stimulating they
might be. God is God! He desires spiritual worship rather than
physical performance. Worship should be Directed to God rather than
man (John 4:23-24).
God does
not dwell in temples made with hands, as though He needed anything,
since He, Himself, gives to all life and breath and all things (Acts
worship is not reciting a memorized, traditional ritual or listening
to a musical performance or watching a dramatic presentation of
artistic symbols. All of these things are sensory. Their purpose is
to stimulate the senses. Their appeal is to the emotional nature of
man. Such activity is man-directed not God-directed.
worship involves the inner man—the spirit that wills, the mind that
understands, and the heart that feels. No human innovation or
stimulation can be substituted. Jesus said, “And
when you prayest, thou shalt not to be as the hypocrites are; for
they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of
the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily, I say unto you,
they have their reward in full” (Matthew
waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my
cry. He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry
clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my steps.
(Psalm 40:1-2)