Nell Hall is
having problems with one of her toes again.
Griffin is recovering from back surgery.
Counts’ sisters; Debbie Kluge and Wanda Peterson are having health
problems. They are doing some better.
Kerry and
Carla King’s niece’s father is scheduled to have pancreas
Balzen’s sister, Stacy Rogers has a heart value problem and is
scheduled to have surgery.
Jerry and
Betty Harris, James and Florene Griffin, Nell Hall, Don Hickerson,
Andy LeDane, Lester and Billie Phillips, Mary Jean Turner, Michael
Armanda, Jack and Diane Arnold, Betty Clark, Doris James, Dan LeDane,
Gary Hickerson, Beryl Miller, Dean and Della Price, and Terry Turner.
Serving in
the military: Travis Counts Faith Balzen
Blomstedt Dakota Smitherman
Let us pray
for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms
way, military and civilian personnel.
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
April 24th
there will be a “Pounding” for Ashlyn LeDane at the house next
door from 2-4:00pm. Additionally, she has requested one or more of
your favorite receipts.
Faith Balzen
will be home on leave April 29th. Therefore we have moved
April’s Fellowship to May 1st to celebrate her being
Item: Canned Green Beans
Announcements: Robert Courtney
Lord Supper:
Butch Balzen, Jack Cawthon, and Greg Counts
May 1st
Prayers Morning: Robert Courtney - Greg Counts
Evening: Jack Cawthon – Charles Counts
Scriptures: Robert Courtney
First Sunday
Singing is May 1st at Wolfe City church of Christ from 2:30 –
Servant of Jesus Christ
In Romans 1:1 Paul identifies himself as “a servant of
Jesus Christ.” The Greek word doulos, from which the
English translation “servant” is taken, actually means bondslave
and is very strong word indicating a number of many things.
As a slave of Christ, Paul’s life was in subjection to
Christ. His conscience, doctrine and conduct were in subjection to
Christ, as well as Christ’s honor and dignity being inherent in
Paul. Just as Paul was bought by Christ, so too all Christians were
bought (I
Corn. 6:19-20).
Paul’s subjection to Christ meant that he was obedient
in all things just as we should be, even to the point of death (Phil.
2:5-8). Too often, we all have family, friends, events and work to
influence our lives, that keeps us from being obedient to Christ
(Rom. 6:23)!
Not only did Paul identify himself as “a servant of
Christ”, but stated he was called by Christ to be an “apostle set
apart for the gospel of God.” (Acts 26: 14-18) Paul acted in
official capacity for Christ as an apostle (2 Peter 1:1); and as a
bondservant of Christ, he had a message from God that all men are
obligated to heed. We need to remember that Christ selected each of
the original 12 and named them apostles (Luke 6:13). These men were
of humble origin, simple men.
In Mark 16:15-16 and Matthew 28:19-20, Christians too
are instructed by Christ to go out into the world and make disciples
of all men. We should not be afraid to teach nor be ashamed to teach
(Rom. 1:16). We need to be bold (Acts 4:31) and go forth into the
world with the same attitude that Paul had and not be afraid what
others say. We need to ask ourselves whose praise we seek
6:33)? Who is our Master (Matt. 6:24)? At what price were we bought
(I Corn. 6:19-20)?