Nell Hall is
having problems with one of her toes again.
Griffin is recovering from back surgery.
Griffin Mother has broken her pelvis and his brother has cancer.
Kerry and Carla King’s niece’s father in our prayers.
Balzen’s sister, Stacy Rogers is recovering from heart surgery.
Harrington has asked for our prayers for a friend in Tennessee.
Jerry and
Betty Harris, Don Hickerson, Lester and Billie Phillips, Mary Jean
Turner, Michael Armanda, Jack and Diane Arnold, Betty Clark, Doris
James, Dan LeDane, Gary Hickerson, Debbie Kluge, Beryl Miller, Wanda
Peterson, Dean and Della Price, and Terry Turner.
Serving in
the military: Travis Counts Faith Balzen
Blomstedt Dakota Smitherman
Let us pray
for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms
way, military and civilian personnel.
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
is today following morning worship services. Everyone is invited.
First Sunday
Singing is today at Wolfe City church of Christ from 2:30 – 3:30pm.
The Men’s
Business Meeting is next Sunday May 8th after evening
worship services. All men are invited and encouraged to attend.
Item: Canned Corn
May 8th
Prayers Morning: Butch Balzen – Barry Cox
Evening: Robert Embry – Don Harrington
Scriptures: Robert Courtney
Robert Courtney
where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in
their midst,” (Matthew 18:20).
Jesus tells us in this verse that where we have gathered
together in His name, He is with us. We need to remember this as we
come together to study His Word and worship Him. We need to insure
that we come for the express purpose to study and worship Him as He
instructed us to do. However, as we gather together to worship
Christ, we need to remember that He has given each of us an
responsibility to perform. He has given us each other.
the Word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching
and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God,” (Col.
As we worship, we are teaching and admonishing one
another. Teaching is not regulated just to a teacher or preacher;
its responsibility is given to each of us. How we respond to this
responsibility shows how serious we take this responsibility. We
need to ask ourselves how we sing, how we pray, how we participate in
class and how attentive are we in listening to the lessons taught.
Our response is seen and heard by those around us. It we neglect
our responsibility; we have put someone’s soul in jeopardy as well
as our own. Just as we are to let our light shine in our daily
lives; so too, are we to let it shine in our worship to Christ (Matt.
5:16). We are all responsible for each other and to each other.
Whose soul is in your hand?
Our faithfulness to the Lord is measured by what we do,
and not what we say we do, or say we ought to do. “___be thou
faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life’
and they were judged every man according to their works” (Rev.
How does your faithfulness, and mine, measure up?