Kerry King’s
mother is doing well with her treatments.
Dale Brown a
friend of Kerry and Carla King is in rehab.
A friend of
Butch Balzen’s, Thomas Mako has begun radiation and chemo.
Don Boyd’s
cancer has returned.
Courtney is home recovering from surgery and is doing well.
Andy LeDane,
Eddie Griffin, Florene Griffin, Jimmy Griffin, Jerry and Betty
Harris, Don Hickerson, Lester and Billie Phillips, Dan Tucker, Mary
Jean Turner, Armanda family, Jack and Diane Arnold, Ronnie Brown,
Betty Clark, Doris James, Gary Hickerson, Bobbie King, Dan LeDane,
Carol Moore, Beryl Miller, and Della Price.
Serving in
the military:
Faith Balzen,
Cody Blomstedt,
Travis Counts, and
Smitherman all are in the U.S..
Let us pray
for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms
way, military and civilian personnel.
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
This month’s
Fellowship has been moved to April 2nd; the first Sunday
in April.
There will
be a Workday April 1st to prepare the building and grounds
for our meeting. Everybody needs to be here by 8:30am.
Our Spring
Meeting begins April 2nd, and will go to Wednesday April
5th. Services will be at 7:30pm each night.
Item: Tomato Sauce
Prayers: Morning: Greg Counts – Butch Balzen
Evening: Robert Embry – Charles Counts
Scriptures: Robert Courtney
What God
Jay Kelley
He hath
shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of
thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and walk humbly with thy
God? (Micah 6:8) These three things – act justly, love mercy and
walk humbly – are the focus of a Christ-centered life.
God expects
His people to treat others fairly. Jesus summed that up in the
Golden Rule. Fair treatment means a day’s work for a day’s pay,
whether you are the worker or the payer. It means a fair shake for
everyone with whom we deal, regardless of our personal feelings. It
means standing up for right when it isn’t popular. Ultimately, it
means doing what God tells us to do all the time.
To love
mercy is more than being merciful. It is one thing to grudgingly
give mercy to those who deserve otherwise because God has ordered it
as though we were children ordered to make up after a fight. It is
quite another to love mercy so much we look for ways to show it.
Jesus loved mercy, and His example was one of the greatest compassion
in confronting the sins of the people combined with stern rebuke for
those who led them.
Finally, we
are to walk humbly with our God. When we think of the great
privilege to walk with God, how can we do any less than walk humbly?
It is a human tendency to get a little full of ourselves from time to
time. And Christians are no exception.
It is good
for us to remind ourselves that we are hear simply by God’s grace
and the message we have been given is not our own, but God’s. If
that message is rejected, we should not angrily assume it is
personal. Rather, as those who love mercy, we should be saddened
when someone seals their doom by rejecting God.
In the end,
our outward obedience – frequency of communion, worship and even
mode and reason for baptism – must come from a sincere desire to
please God.
If not, we
might as well be heathens.