Jack Cawthon
is having health problems.
Dannie Baker
is recovering from a broken hip.
Hickerson’s brother-in-law Louis Horn is in rehab.
Jack and
Ardina Butler from Wolfe City church of Christ need our prayers. Mrs.
Butler has taken about half of her treatments.
Rhoden needs our prayers.
Corey Miller
is having problems with his throat.
Andy LeDane,
Eddie Griffin, Florene Griffin, Jimmy Griffin, Jerry and Betty
Harris, Don Hickerson, Billie Phillips, Armanda family, Beth Turner
Beall, Ronnie Brown, Billie Bradford, Betty Clark, Doris James, Jo
Gordon, Gary Hickerson, Gary Hodges, Thomas Mako, Audrey McKin, Carol
Moore, Beryl Miller, and Della Price.
Serving in
the military:
Faith Balzen,
Cody Blomstedt,
Travis Counts, and
Smitherman all are in the U.S. . .
Let us pray
for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms
way, military and civilian personnel.
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
will be today after morning worship services. Everyone is invited
and encouraged to attend.
Texomaland Summer Youth Series will be in Denison at the Morton St.
church of Christ June 27th at 7:30pm.
Item: Peroxide
Announcements: Greg Counts
Lord Supper:
Butch Balzen, Robert Embry, and Don Harrington
July 2
Prayers: Morning: Robert Embry – Butch Balzen
Evening: Charles Counts – Don Hickerson
Scriptures: Greg Counts
Mysteries That Plague the Church
By Gerald Cowan
By Gerald Cowan
1 The mystery of the empty pew. Why are members absent? It would seem that for some the freedom to worship can be interpreted as freedom from worship – at least freedom from the assemblies for worship (Heb. 10:25).
2. The mystery of the disappearing church member. Some drop out and no one knows why. They may fall back in love with the world (2 Tim. 4:10). Since they cannot serve God and mammon, they give up God (Mt. 6:24).
3. The mystery of the unaccompanied child. They are dropped off by parents who never attend any church services or activities. They are sent off alone or in the care of neighbors. This condition seems to apply to others besides children too. The wife, and sometimes the husband, comes without the mate. Parents sometimes come without their children – it is a mystery to the parents that the children do not want to attend and actually refuse to attend with them. Does Proverbs 22:6 apply?
4. The mystery of the indisposition of one that renders a whole group incapable. One person is sick, so all members of the family stay at home.
5. The mystery of the closed Bible. In the homes the Bible is a seldom opened dust catcher. Even in the church’s assemblies the Bible is opened only by the preacher or teacher. Can one be an approved student of scripture without studying the scripture (2 Tim. 2:15)?
6. The mystery of buried talents. Most members enjoy seeing work done, but too many neglect their own opportunities and abilities (Mt. 25:14-30).
7. The mystery of uncommitted money. Conversion seems to miss the pocketbook and checkbook in some cases (2 Cor. 9:7).
8. The mystery of the misused day. The Lord’s day is used for everything except worship and service to the Lord.
9. The mystery of worried and fearful saints. With a concerned and loving Savior to defend and preserve us, what do we really have to fear?