need to keep Kathy Hill in our prayers.
Griffin is in Woodlawn Nursing Home room 423. It is behind TMC.
Counts is recovering from surgery. He will begin cancer treatment
after he recovers from surgery.
need to keep Ben Harrington in our prayers.
Hickerson is home from the hospital.
Griffin, Jimmy Griffin, Jerry and Betty Harris, Billie Phillips,
Billie Bradford, Betty Clark, Eddie Hickerson, Gary Hickerson,
Dorothy Hodges, Bobbi King, Audrey McKin, Beryl Miller, Della Price,
Eddie Rolens, and Brian Scott.
in the military;
Faith Balzen,
Cody Blomstedt,
Travis Counts,
Josh Van Deren, and
Chris Johnson.
Josh Van Deren is
scheduled to be deployed to Africa in July. All are in the U.S. at
this time.
friend of Don and Jan Hickerson, Roger Neal has passed away.
us pray for our country and government leaders and those who are in
harms way, military and civilian personnel.
effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
Men’s Business Meeting is today after evening worship services.
All men are invited and encourage to attend.
Forget Our
Spring Meeting will be April 1st
to April 4th. Services will begin at 7:30pm each night. Plan now
to attend and invite others.
Item: Paper
18 Prayers: Morning: Robert Courtney – Don Harrington
Charles Counts – Greg Counts
Scripture Reading: Robert Courtney
Holds Your Hand?
Susie Boyd
hands are made to do a lot of things and we use them every day for
our basic survival. One hand fits the other hand perfectly. Holding
hands give feelings of comfort or safety. It also lets someone know
that they are not alone. It can signify love for someone and it
fulfills the basic human need for “touch”.
day a little girl was crossing the river with her mother. The mother
said to her, “Hold my hand please.” The child replied, “No mom
you hold my hand. Curiously the mom asked; “What is the
difference?’ The little girl looked up and said, ”If I hold your
hand and something happens chances are I will let you go. If you hold
my hand, I know for sure, that you will never let go.” The little
girl knew for sure
her mom would not let go. That is immeasurable faith and comfort in
her mom.
hymn, “Precious Lord, Take My Hand” was written by Thomas Andrew
Dorsey in 1932 following a tragedy in his life. It was in August
that Thomas Dorsey was scheduled to be in St. Louis where he was a
featured soloist at a revival. He was hesitant about going due to
the fact that his wife was in her last month of her pregnancy. But
she was doing well and she encouraged him to go. So he left for St.
Louis. At the end of his performance, a message was given to him
that his wife had just died. When he returned home he learned that
his wife had in fact died while giving birth to a baby boy. Thomas
struggled between grief and joy. Sadly it became all grief as his
son also died.
few weeks went by and Thomas became angry at God for the tragedy he
had endured. A close friend and professor of Thomas’s guided him
to Malone’s Cottage and left him alone.
this time alone, Dorsey penned the song, “Precious Lord.” The
song consisted of three verses and they capture the grief he had
experienced. The first stanza speaks of the stormy time he had passed
through; the second stanza symbolizes the long road he had traveled
and the third indicated hope. Each stanza concluded with the plea,
“Take my hand, precious Lord, lead me home.” What a comforting
thought! Even in times of hardship and despair, Thomas turned to
God. Just as the little girl crossing the river is sure her mom will
not let her hand go, we can be sure, even in our most helpless times
that God will not let go of our hands.
are all faced with struggles and hardship. Let us look to God for
our strength. “Fear
not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will
strengthen you, yes, I will help you; I will uphold you with My
righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10-NKJ
the Messenger, Tip[ton Children’s Home)