Bulletin / Prayer List 3-18-18

Prayer List
We need to keep Kathy Hill in our prayers. There is a basket in the foyer for Kathy. A list of Kathy’s needs is on the bulletin board.
Don Baker is still recovering from a chest infection.
Florene Griffin is in Woodland Nursing Home room 423. It is behind TMC.
Dale Counts is recovering from surgery. He will begin cancer treatment after he recovers from surgery.
A friend of Don Hickerson Della Skerkis has asked for our prayers.

James Griffin, Jimmy Griffin, Jerry and Betty Harris, Billie Phillips, Billie Bradford, Betty Clark, Eddie Hickerson, Gary Hickerson, Dorothy Hodges, Bobbi King, Audrey McKin, Beryl Miller, Della Price, Eddie Rolens, and Brian Scott.

Serving in the military; 
Faith Balzen, 
Cody Blomstedt, 
Travis Counts, and 
Chris Johnson. All are in the U.S. at this time. 
Tyler Davies has been deployed to Guam. 
Josh Van Deren is scheduled to be deployed to Africa in July.

Let us pray for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms way, military and civilian personnel.
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…

Don’t Forget Our Spring Meeting will be April 1st to April 4th. 
Services will begin at 7:30pm each night. Plan now to attend and invite others. 
Flyers are on the table at the back.

There will be a Work Day March 31 8:00am to prepare the Church, Grounds and House for our Meeting.

This month’s Fellowship has been moved to April 1st after morning worship service.

Pantry Item: Assorted Cereal

March 25th Prayers: Morning: Robert Embry – Greg Counts
Evening: Don Harrington – Kerry King
Scripture Reading: Robert Courtney

By A. C. Quinn

There is an interesting example of God’s people at work recorded in the fourth chapter of Nehemiah. These were Jews who, upon returning to Jerusalem from their captivity, found the temple in ruins and the wall of the city broken down. Nehemiah led the people in the task of rebuilding the wall. He tells how this was possible: “So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work. “ (Nehemiah 4:6). It is interesting to note that this was not the attitude of just a few. In verse fifteen, is an example: “…we returned all of us to the wall, every one unto his work.” Further, Nehemiah says in verse twenty-one: “ So we laboured in the work: and half of them held the spears from the rising of the morning till the stars appeared.” That was how the wall of Jerusalem was rebuilt! Christians are to learn something from this record (I Cor. 10:11). Just what might that lesson be?

The question is often asked with regard to why the church, especially small congregations, is not growing. Could the answer possibly be that the people do not have a mind to work? It appears that this might be true. When congregations do not grow the immediate blame is placed on the preacher or elders. Certainly, these folks could be a part of the problem; however, the body of Christ is more than preachers and elders (I Cor. 12:13-27).

There are numerous passages in the New Testament which explicitly direct the Christian to work. He is to work out his salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12). His faith is to one which works through love (Gal. 5:6). He is to abound in the work of the Lord (I Cor. 15:58). The conclusion to all these passages is that every individual will be judged according to his works (II Cor. 5:10; Rev. 20:12-15). That, my friend, is a sobering thought.

A PRAYER TO BE PRAYED MORE OFTEN: "Dear Lord, please keep your arm around my shoulder, and your hand over my mouth."