Prayer List
Don and Dannie Baker’s daughter Dona Head is recovering from surgery
Patrice Counts is ill.
Israel Strand is having problems with his medication.
Denise King gave birth to a baby boy, mother and baby are doing fine.
Eddie Rolens is recovering from his second surgery. He is scheduled to have one more this month,
Angel Johnson, mother of Chris Johnson has been diagnosed with cancer.
We need to keep Keven and Amy McKillop in our prayers.
A friend of Carla King, Mary Hamilton’s husband fell and broke his pelvic in two places. Mary is on kidney dialysis.
James and Florene Griffin, Jerry and Betty Harris, Don Hickerson, Billie Phillips, Billie Bradford, Betty Clark, Jennifer Cox, Eddie Hickerson, Gary Hickerson, Dorothy Hodges, Bobbi King, Audrey McKin, Beryl Miller, Connor Quinn, Della Price, Brian Scott and Della Skerkis.
Serving in the military;
Cody Blomstedt,
Josh Van Deren and
Chris Johnson. All are in the U.S. at this time.
Tyler Davies has been deployed to Guam.
Let us pray for our country and government leaders and those who are in harms way, military and civilian personnel.
“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much…
The next 2018 Texomaland Summer Youth Series meeting will be July 24that Central church of Christ in Denison at 7:30pm.
Fellowship is next Sunday the July 29thafter morning services. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.
Pantry Item: Evaporated Milk
July 29 Prayers: Morning: Robert Embry – Charles Counts
Evening: Don Baker – Robert Courtney
Scriptures: Don Harrington
“Sweetest Note in Seraph Song”
By David Shearer
The above title to this article is taken from the great hymn “The Physician Now Is Near.” Some of you may wonder, as I have, what is “Seraph Song?” Sometimes we sing something and are not sure what it is or refers to.
OK, lets answer the first question. What is “Seraph?” A seraph is by definition a celestial being an angel may be a better way for us to understand it. When the writer referred to “the sweetest note in seraph song,” he was referring to the name of Jesus
So many times in our lives we have troubles and woes and we don’t know what to do. We should remember Jesus and what He did for us.
Let’s look at a few things so that when we have a rough road ahead it may take away some of those potholes in life.
First of all, God created us in His image Genesis 1:26, 7. In doing so, He gave man intellect and to have certain responsibilities. That is why God made us higher than the animals. We, you might say, were given privileges that no others had.
Second, man fouled up, to put it plain and simple. We still get too big for our britches at times and think we know more than our Creator. We all sin Romans 3:23. This sinning that we are good at separates us from God Isaiah 59:1,2. The sin we do will lead to death if we continue in it Romans 6:23.
Thirdly, there are many benefits to being in Christ. I want us to examine one here. That is the rest that He provides us Matthew 11:28-30. It may be hard to believe at times but He really does give us rest. It’s peace of mind for one thing Philippians 4:7. When we rely on Christ, His promises, it makes it easier because it gives us purpose in life. With purpose, we can achieve almost anything we set our hearts desire upon. Christ gives us purpose because of His promises. One of which is eternal life. John 14 relays this promise to us.
Have you separated yourself from God? Can you sing with confidence the “sweetest note in seraphs song?”
If not, you know what to do. You need to make yourself right with God.
(Marshalltown church of Christ Informer, Marshalltown, Iowa)