Bulletin / Prayer List 08 / 18 / 2019

Prayer List: August 18, 2019
Don Baker is still having problems with his back.
Don Hickerson’s brother is doing some better. He is on medication to treat his heart.
Brenda Williams (AC’s daughter) is doing better.
Carmen Loftice has requested our prayers
Eddie Roland is having some trouble with infection (sinus and other places). Doctors are trying to figure out what is needed. He will have his other hip surgery done and then plan for his shoulder surgery.
Brayden Counts (Charlie & Helen’s great grandson) has been moved to St Judes in Memphis Tennessee. He has begun his treatments to fight the cancer.
Rebekah Van Deren is having problems with her enzymes in her pancreas.
Joy Fowler, Charlie’s sister is responding to treatment and doing some better.

Remember in Daily Prayer:
Charlie Counts (heart), Zack Folkes (cancer), Evette Stewart (COPD),
Kathy Hill (cancer), Betty Clark (cancer – in remission), Beryl Miller
(macular degeneration), Jennifer Cox (heart), Lucus Drews (rare cancer),
Florene Griffin (back & hip)

Serving Our Country:
Cody Blumstead (Korea)
Josh Van Deren, Kirklynn Hance, Kirk Johnson (US)
Tyler Davies is scheduled to deploy to Dubai.

Pantry Item: Non-Perishable Items

Luncheon is next week August 25th after morning services

Men Serving Next Week August 25, 2019
Prayers: Morning: Robert Embry – Jerry Harris

Evening: Kerry King – Greg Counts 

No God — No Potatoes!”

By Mike Riley

In the former Soviet Union, peasant farmers often enjoyed telling humorous stories to lighten their dreary lives. The following is such a story:
One day, a government commissar visited a farmer and inquired about the year’s potato crop. “Oh, it was wonderful,” the farmer replied slyly. “It was so big, it reached up to the very foot of God.”
The commissar’s countenance quickly changed. With a scowl, he said, “But comrade, this is a communist state and we are atheists. You must not forget, there is no God!”
Ah, that’s my point,” the farmer replied. “No God — no potatoes!”
Yes, whether we believe it or not, God is the source of all things (Psalm 136:25). The apostle Paul once told a pagan audience, “In Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). And in Colossians 1:12-18, Paul gives emphasis to the great creating and sustaining work of God in the person of His Son, Jesus Christ. Without His sustaining power, we couldn’t draw a single breath (Hebrews 1:1-3).
As Christians, do we who confess faith in a personal God, to whom we owe our very existence, respond with thanksgiving, worship, and praise? If not, we differ little from that commissar who saw no connection between God and potatoes.