Don Baker is still having problems with his back.
Don Hickerson’s brother is doing some better. He is on medication to treat his heart.
Carmen Loftice has requested our prayers
Eddie Roland is scheduled to have his other hip surgery done on Sept 19th and then plan for his shoulder surgery.
Brayden Counts (Charlie & Helen’s great grandson) has been moved to St Judes in Memphis Tennessee. He has begun his treatments to fight the cancer.
Rebekah Van Deren is having problems with her enzymes in her pancreas.
Joy Fowler, Charlie’s sister is responding to treatment and doing some better.
Charlie Counts is still waiting for tests before he has a defibrillator installed.
The Bear family – Ron is home (medication problem), Tim is now home and taking medication for a bleeding problem and Judy (Ron’s sister is undergoing therapy
Sympathy goes out the family of Don Worsham who passed away.
Ray Bletan’s son has been diagnosed with cancer.
Remember in Daily Prayer:
Zack Folkes (cancer), Evette Stewart (COPD), Kathy Hill (cancer), Betty Clark (cancer – in remission), Beryl Miller (macular degeneration), Jennifer Cox (heart), Lucus Drews (rare cancer), Florene Griffin (back & hip)
Serving Our Country:
Cody Blomstead (Korea) Josh Van Deren, Kirklynn Hance, Kirk Johnson (US) Tyler Davies is scheduled to deploy to Dubai. Ladies Bible Class begins Tuesday Sept 3rd.
Jerry Harris Walter McMillen
McMillen Don Baker
EVENING Robert Embry Don
Prayers Next Week September 8, 2019 Prayers:
Morning: Robert Embry Jerry Harris
Evening: Kerry King Greg Counts
Five Rules for Prosperous Bible
Paul taught Timothy to, “Study to show yourself approved unto God a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). Study the Bible Practically. For the Word of God to do us any good in this life, we must apply its’ teachings to our daily life. Paul reminded the Christians in Phillipi of this when he said, “The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do and the God of peace will be with you” (Phil 4:9). Study the Bible Impartially.
To study God’s word correctly a person must put aside all prejudice, bias and preconceived notions of God and His Will. We must have the attitude of Samuel who said, “Speak Lord, for your servant hears” (1 Sam. 3:10). We must remember the words of the Proverbs writer; “There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is the way of death (Prov. 16:25). Study the Bible Expectantly.
For a person to receive the full blessings of Bible study, he must study it expecting several things. For example, we should study the Bible expecting to understand it (Eph. 3:4). We should study the Bible expecting its principles to bless us as they are applied to our life (Ps. 1:1-3). We should study the Bible expecting to learn how to be set free from sin (John 8:32). We should study the Bible expecting to learn how to be saved (Acts 2:38).
May God bless each one of us as we apply His will to our lives!