Tom Bean church of Christ
September 27, 2020
209 South Brown Street
Tom Bean, Tx 75489
Phone: (903) 546-6620
Charlie Counts Greg Counts Kerry King
Charlie Counts Greg Counts Kerry King
Kerry King
Sunday Bible Study 9:00 AM Worship 10:00AM Worship 6:00 PM
Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM
Robert Embry
Jerry Harris Walter Mc Millen
AC Quinn Kerry King
Jerry Harris Walter McMillen
Robert Embry
Anna Lois Farris is now at home and doing some better. She was scheduled to see a heart doctor in Little Rock last Thursday.
Joy Fowler had to have surgery for a collapsed lung. She came through the surgery and is recovering.
Lovoe Harber (Charlie’s sister) is getting better. She will be re-evaluated soon.
Gordy & Glonda Hicks family (friends of Charlie & Helen)
Gordy has been moved to a rehab facility in Huntsville. He is not doing very well.
Darril Slone had surgery on Sept 21st to remove his thymus gland. He is at home now.
Eddie Hickerson was tested for Covid 19 but the test was negative. Two of his coworkers had tested positive for the virus.
Robert Embry went to the emergency room Wednesday with stomach pain. He went back to the doctor on Friday.
Remember in Daily Prayer:
Cancer: Kathy Hill, Betty Clark, Ruth Stone (Greg’s bosses’ wife), Jesse Farrer (Tom Bean schoolboard president), Sharon Ditto (friend of Jan), Mary Estep, Don Stringfellow.
Macular Degeneration: AC Quinn, Beryl Miller
Others: Greg Counts, Florene Griffin (back & hip), Beverly Roberts (MS), Carmen Loftice, Dannie Baker (severe allergies), Steve Dupuis (heart, AC’s son in law), Bill Davis (stroke), Darril Slone (Mysathenia Gravis), Bob Followell (liver), Larry & Bridgett Lee.
Serving Our Country:
Cody Blomstedt (Korea), Kirklynn Hance, Kirk Johnson (Kuwait)
Tyler Davies is now in a hospital in Germany, his eye is healing and he will return to his ship soon.
Jesse Thetford (deployed to Afghanistan).
Police & First Responders, Medical Staff & Doctors:
Travis Counts, Dalton Griffin, Chelsie Serrano
Men Serving Next Week October 4, 2020
Morning: Robert Embry – Don Baker
Evening: Don Hickerson – Charlie Counts
Pantry Item: Dish washing liquid.
“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another,
that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a
righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16)
“Faithful” Christian
By Glen Elliott
Along with fire ants, mosquitos, and ticks—army worms moved up my list of disgusting creatures this past week when they invaded my lawn. It is amazing how a one-word adjective can be so descriptive in identifying its object. Like an army, these hungry, little pests marched through our yard, leaving behind a wake of destruction. But, there are other types of worms not so identified: earth worms, tape worms and hook worms.
Similarly, anyone who has inadvertently stood for long in a nest of fire ants can attest to the appropriateness of that name. But, there are also red ants, black ants, carpenter ants and, even, crazy ants. Each identifies a different kind of ant.
“Christian” stands alone as a name identifying us as those who belong to Christ. Scripture tells us “the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch” (Acts 11:26). “Christian” is the “new name” prophetically designated by “the mouth of the Lord” (Is. 62:2). “Christ” is the only name “by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Anyone who “suffers as a Christian” ought “not to be ashamed, but is to glorify God in [that] name” (1 Pet. 4:16).
But, there are frequently-attached, one-word adjectives, used to describe Christians. An “unfaithful” Christian is one who is disloyal to Christ, no longer honoring Him as Lord and King. The wake of destruction left behind is often immense in terms of lost influence and dishonor brought upon the name of the church.
On the other hand, we cannot over-estimate the value of one “faithful” Christian. The impact of a faithful Christian lives on even after he or she has departed from this life. John heard a loud voice from heaven, saying, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on…so that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow with them” (Rev. 14:13).
Of all the terms which may be used to describe a Christian, “faithful” may be the most cherished. For, in that word, we find encapsulated the whole of what it means to belong to Jesus. Even in uncertain times, do not be afraid; but “Be faithful until death” and Christ will give us “the crown of life” (Rev. 2:10).
Men Serving Next Month - October
Announcements & Scripture Reading: Greg Counts
Lord’s Supper: Robert Embry, Jerry Harris