November 7, 2021

209 South Brown Street

Tom Bean, Tx 75489

Phone: (903) 546-6620






Greg Counts



                             Kerry King              Jerry Harris                



            MORNING                                                  EVENING

Jerry Harris                                                Don Hickerson

            Charlie Counts                                           Greg Counts



Greg Counts


Don Baker – was able to come home Thursday.  He is doing better now.

Greg Counts has begun rehab. He also found out that he will need to have hip replacement (scheduled in March).

Debbie Brown has developed an abscess in her stomach.  She is improving slowly.

Tonya Embry has had trouble with kidney stones.  She will have to have surgery to remove it.  Her mother also has the same problem.

Jerry Harris had a shot in his shoulder for arthritis and is doing better. He will have a shot in his other shoulder next week.

Carla’s uncle (Milo) was taken to the hospital Thursday night with a stroke. They ran tests and should be treatable with medication.  He will be released tomorrow.

Jan Hickerson found out that a cousin (Terry Birch) passed away several weeks ago.

Charlie & Helen’s friend, Sue, has been diagnosed with cancer

Billie & Lavona Clinton have both been released and are now at home.


Remember in Daily Prayer:

Cancer: Frank Roden, Betty Clark, Ruth Stone (Greg’s boss’ wife), Debbie Brown (Jan’s cousin).

Macular Degeneration: AC Quinn, Beryl Miller

Others: Florene Griffin (back & hip), Gary Yowell, Beverly Roberts (MS), Dannie Baker (severe allergies), Steve Dupuis (heart, AC’s son in law), Jennifer Campbell (Frank’s daughter - MS), Anna Lois Farris (heart), Skylar Carr, Christina Morris (AC’s granddaughter), Lisa Courtney (hole in her lung), Steven Wilkerson (Lexy’s great grandfather) is on Liver Transplant list, Carol Moore,  Billy & Lavona Clinton.


Serving Our Country:

Cody Blomstedt (Korea), Kirklynn Hance, Tyler Davies, Jesse Thetford


Police & First Responders, Medical Staff & Doctors:

Travis Counts, Dalton Griffin, Chelsie Serrano, Kim Counts


Pantry Item:  Green Beans


Men Serving Next Week Nov 14, 2021



Morning:                                   AC Quinn – Walter McMillen

Evening:                                   Kerry King – Charlie Counts

Jesus and The Revelation

By Kevin Cauley

The book of Revelation is about Jesus and His saving work. There are many portraits of Jesus in the book. Perhaps the clearest is Jesus as the Lamb. Twenty-nine times the word “lamb” refers to Jesus. This isn’t the only image, though. He is also pictured as The Angel, the One riding on the white horse, the Alpha and Omega, the male Child, the Son of Man, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the One sitting on the throne, God Almighty, Jesus, Christ, the Lord God Omnipotent, Faithful and True, the Word of God, the Root and Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star, and many more. Through Jesus, the saints overcome all enemies.

Many interpret the book of Revelation on a timeline thinking that one event must chronologically follow another. This is the wrong approach. John writes that the events happening “must shortly take place” (Revelation 1:1, 22:6). What does that statement mean? Instead of trying to force the events into a chronological sequence, a timeless interpretation means the events recur cyclically in the present. Thus, the book of Revelation is as relevant to us today as to the first Christians who read it because the same issues that Christians faced then are issues that Christians face now. Jesus and His work is always at the center of each story in Revelation. Every single heroic character in the book is victorious, and every single villainous character is defeated because of Jesus’ work. At the end, we are introduced to Jesus’ bride, the culmination of Christ’s work (Revelation 21:9). The church is that bride (Ephesians 5:25-33), and the saints are the church. This means that as you live out the gospel in your life, the book of Revelation is fulfilled in you.